The Earth Law Alliance is a network of professionals who are sowing new seeds in the development of Earth Law around the world.
Members of the Earth Law Alliance work in their own organisations, in their respective countries, on developing, implementing, enforcing and promoting the adoption of Earth Law. Many of our members have formal training in law and some are practising lawyers. Our network also includes individuals from other disciplines who are actively engaged in the development of wholistic approaches to the issues facing society. We take this inter-disciplinary approach because we believe that the development of new ways of thinking and responding to the current global situation requires the synthesis of a diverse range of skills and expertise, including the fields of philosophy, economics, ecology and other sciences, anthropology and religion, all of which contribute to shedding light on the path ahead.
The Earth Law Alliance is therefore a unique and pioneering organisation, providing a platform for those engaged in Earth Law to float ideas, collaborate, generate and join discussions and learn from each other the latest thinking on Earth Law around the world. See our Vision and Mission for more information about our purpose in the world.
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